february, 2024

14feb5:00 pm7:00 pmSECOND SUNDAY4th-8th Grade Event

Event Details

4th- 8th Graders, you are invited to “Second Sunday” from 5pm-7pm in the Kids room P7. (This is the main kids room across the courtyard from the auditorium.) This is a monthly event on, you guessed it, the “Second Sunday” of the month! Each event will have food, games, time to hang, and age-specific discussions on faith and life.

Theme this month: FIRE!
Discussion Topic:  Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (Daniel Chapter 3), with a special guest speaker – Pastor Austin Martin! Rumor has it there will be a hot chip challenge of sorts and fire pits! GET EXCITED!
Food: Deli sandwiches, veggies, fruit, water. Please let us know if your child has any food allergies we should be aware of.
Does my child need to bring anything? NOPE! They only need to bring themselves (and their friends) but are asked to leave all electronics at home, or in the car as it will be a screen free time together.
RSVP: Click the button below to rsvp. This is not mandatory to attend, but if you know your child is attending and could let us know that would help us plan appropriately for food quantities.




(Wednesday) 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm